Our Staff
Thomas K. Simpson

Tom holds a Bachelor in Business Administration from Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio and is a graduate of Wayne State University's Mortuary Science Program. He has been involved in funeral service since 1958 and as a full time career since 1965. He is National and State Board Certified. He is currently a member of various funeral service organizations including MFDA and NFDA, Kiwanis Club, Port Huron Hospital Foundation, Mercy Hospital Foundation, Port Huron Golf Club; parishioner of St. Mary's Catholic Church and Knights of Columbus. He is a past board member of Blue Water Hospice, V.N.A., Goodwill Industries, Marydale Senior Citizen's Center, Port Huron Hospital Foundation, Port Huron Golf Club and the Newman Center Advisory Council. Tom and his wife, Julie, have two adult children.
David M. Walsh

Dave attended Saginaw Valley State University, Central Michigan University, St. Clair County Community College and is a 1985 graduate of the College of Boca Raton Mortuary Program. He is National and State Board Certified and a member of MFDA and NFDA . He has been active in funeral service since 1980. He has been employed at Karrer-Simpson Funeral Home since 1990. He is a member of the Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church serving in numerous capacities. He is currently a member of the Blue Water Sportsman, Four Square Sportsman Associations, Lewiston Sportsmans League, NRA and is an avid outdoors man and hunter. Dave has two daughters, Becky and Maggie.
Thomas K. Simpson, Jr.

Tom Jr. attended St. Clair County Community and Kalamazoo Valley Community Colleges. He holds a Bachelor of Science from Wayne State University and is a graduate of Wayne State University's Mortuary Science Program. He is National and State Board Certified and a member of MFDA and NFDA. He has been employed at the funeral home since 1991 and as a full time career since 1996. He is a former board member of Catholic Social Services of St. Clair County, and is a current member of the Elks club of Port Huron. Tom has two daughters, Kierstyn and Alexandra and a son, Ethan.
Laura Godwin

Laura earned her B.S. in Mortuary Science from Wayne State University and is currently working on her M.A. in Counseling from Oakland University with an emphasis on grief counseling. She enjoys participating in sprint triathalons, playing tennis, enjoying the arts, and hunting. Laura lives with her husband, Nick, and their black lab, Flash, in Port Huron.