Physical Grief

The Truth About Tears

"Should I cry or should I try to hold back the tears?" "What if I can't cry?" "Do women really cry more than men?" "If I don't cry, does it mean that I don't care?" In all my years in grief work, these are only a few of the questions I have received about tears. It would seem that these questions reflect the high level of ambivalence about crying. Many of us feel that crying shows our feelings of love, concern and sadness. In the same breath, we can say that if we hold back our tears, we are being strong and courageous.

Are You Sick of Grief?

Connie Owens takes a look at the phisical reactions you experience if you are grieving any major loss, it is vital that you receive good grief education and become aware of grief's health issues. Eating well, drinking lots of fluids and resting are more important than ever. So are practicing good coping skills, including writing about your feelings in your journal, exercising and expressing your hurt and anger. Finally, understand the importance of safeguarding both your emotional and your physical health by expressing your grief in any manner that works for you.

Physical Grief

Sherry Williams White, writer, nurse and grief specialist, explains that grief is not just a bundle of emotional reactions but that it is, indeed, a physical response to the death of a loved one. Grief elicits physicaland chemical changes in the body as one tries to adapt to loss of control and the many changes they must make in their lives. This information will help you understand that you are not going crazy and it will help you know what is normal about grief.

Am I Supposed to Feel This Way?

Sherry Williams White presents an overview of the physical and emotional reactions to grief. In addition to explaining what is normal in your grief journey, she shares ideas for coping and gaining a sense of control over what is happening to you by putting motion to your emotions.