50 Cards - 50 Questions
It's summertime in the Blue Water Area and that means family and friends will be arriving for visits. We invite you to stop by either of our Port Huron locations and pick up a special free gift that you can enjoy with your family and guests this summer.
Visits from the grandparents, beach and boat time, drive up north, camping trips, holiday picnics, and family reunions are perfect opportunities to have "the talk". "The Talk of a Lifetime" deck of cards is a game you can play anytime and anywhere. The cards contain intriguing questions that get family members reminiscing and sharing important live events and lessons.
- What made you laugh so hard you cried?
- What was your favorite bedtime story?
- Who has been the most influential person in your life?
It's fun, it's free, it teaches family to talk, deepening understanding and improving relationships with those we value.
Your "Talk of a Lifetime" cards are waiting at Karrer-Simpson or Pollock-Randall. Come in Monday through Saturday, 9-5 to pick up your cards and start "Talking".
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